How To Order

  • Browse and Select Products:

    • Visit our online store and browse through our range of products.
    • Add your desired items to your shopping cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button.
  • Review Your Cart:

    • Once you’ve finished selecting your products, click on the shopping cart icon.
    • Review the items in your cart to ensure they are correct and select the “Checkout” button.
  • Provide Shipping Information:

    • Enter your shipping address details, including your name, phone number, and delivery address.
    • Make sure to provide accurate information to avoid any delivery issues.
  • Choose Payment Method:

    • On the payment options page, select “Cash on Delivery” as your preferred payment method.
    • Review the total amount, including any applicable taxes and delivery charges.
  • Confirm Your Order:

    • Verify all details on the order summary, including shipping address and payment method.
    • Click on the “Place Order” or “Confirm Order” button to finalize your purchase.
  • Receive Confirmation:

    • You will receive an order confirmation via email or SMS with your order details and estimated delivery time.
  • Prepare for Delivery:

    • Ensure you have the exact cash amount ready when the delivery arrives.
    • The delivery person will collect the cash payment upon delivery of your order.
  • Receive and Inspect Your Order:

    • Check the items to ensure they match your order before handing over the cash.
    • If everything is correct, make the payment to the delivery person.
  • Enjoy Your Purchase:

    • Once the payment is complete, your order is yours to enjoy!